Get Rid of Pet Odour in Your Carpet

If you have pets in your home, then you know what a mess they can make sometimes. They aren’t always considerate about where they do their business, so you can end up with soiled carpets, lingering odours and tough stains that are difficult to get rid of. If you know what to do, though, you can eliminate the odours and protect your carpets from your pets.

Act Fast

The most important thing to do when your pet urinates or defecates on your carpet is to quickly react to the mess and get it cleaned up. You can use paper towels and newspapers to absorb pet urine quickly. Lay down the paper towels first and the newspaper on top. You don’t want to start with the newspaper, because the ink can stain the carpet. Then place a heavy object on top of your absorbent stack and allow it to sit there for a few minutes. This will force the towel and paper to absorb the urine. Once your initial stack has absorbed as much as it can, you can replace them until the urine has been absorbed completely.

For solid messes, you can use wet wipes or cleaning wipes of any kind. The water in the wipes will help to keep the mess from clinging to the carpet, breaking dried pet feces apart and making it easier to wipe away.

Deal with the Odour

Oisin McHale ( owner of Three Kings in Dublin says, "If you notice pet odour after the fact and didn’t get a chance to clean up the mess as it happened, or there is odour still lingering after you clean, then you can use carpet deodorizers that are made for pet messes. Or you could make one on your own using baking soda and vinegar. If you combine one cup of water, one cup of vinegar and a quarter cup of baking soda, you get a powerful cleaning agent that is great for removing odours and stains. You can scrub it into the carpet to get rid of pet odours fast. After you scrub it in, just allow the area to dry. That may take a few hours, but once it is dry, you shouldn’t notice the odour anymore. You can then vacuum up the baking soda that remains."

Find Pet Odour

You may not always know exactly where your pets soiled your carpet. You may be able to smell the problem without seeing it, and using a black light can help you identify where it is. If you use a black light then the pet urine should show up as white or yellow under the light, making it easy to identify.

Owner of Three Kings Carpet Cleaning Service Oisin McHale also claims, "If the cleaning methods we have given you don’t work, due to how long the stain has been there, how strong the odours are or the kind of carpet you have, you may want to call in the professionals to clean the carpet for you. It’s best to deal with pet odours as soon as you notice them so that they are easier to get rid of."


Visit Us

Oisin McHale

Three Kings

Suite 80, 20 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

1800 911 655